Brewers Guild of Alaska (BGA) is a non-profit trade association founded in 2000 by craft brewers in Alaska to promote the craft beer and brewing industry through consumer education, community events and legislative advocacy. BGA also provides a strong networking base for our brewers and their suppliers, retailers and others interested in understanding its members’ contribution to our state.
The guild is the unified voice of the 34 member breweries, brewpubs and breweries in-planning in the vast expanse of Alaska. Under extreme conditions and difficult logistics, these entities have discovered creative means to attain equipment and materials, design and produce distinctive beers that embody the Alaska culture and lifestyle, develop an ever-growing market base, and garner continued attention and awards for their amazing beers. From the northernmost state in the nation, Alaska’s brewers continue to create wonderfully inspiring beers that truly attest to the spirit of this great land.
The Brewers Guild of Alaska is also a powerful marketing tool for its members and strives to bring the highest level of attention to their products both here and throughout the rest of the United States. Our goal is to ensure that every visitor to Alaska knows to reach for our locally produced beer first and to understand that some of it may be available in their own state.
BGA helps to formalize Alaska’s contribution to craft beer’s emergence as the fastest growing segment of alcoholic beverages in the United States. Alaska’s breweries and brewpubs through employment of a significant number of Alaskans, the purchase of equipment and materials and their paid taxes positively impact Alaska’s economy. BGA member breweries and brewpubs are also benevolent in their widespread and sizable community outreach through direct participation in community events and donations of their fine beer to worthwhile causes.