Breweries, Other Manufacturers (Cider, Mead, Spirits) & Breweries-in-Planning The BGA serves its members through legislative advocacy, continuing education and active networking. Your company's membership in the BGA supports each of these efforts and provides your staff with access to our monthly newsletter, our winter virtual seminar series, our annual trade show and monthly board meetings. All members are encouraged to actively participate in BGA meetings and events. Membership dues are based on barrelage as published for prior year with the Brewer's Association. *As of 8/23/23, distilleries and individual members are not eligible to vote at annual meetings.
Affiliate Membership Suppliers and retailers are able to support the BGA through their affiliate membership. This annual membership includes a table at the BGA's yearly trade show in Anchorage, as well as entry for two (2) to that weekend's other BGA festivities (seminar day, AK Beer Awards, AK Crafted Festival). Also included is a year-long subscription to the BGA's monthly newsletter including an annual highlight, your company's logo on the BGA's website and your company's logo included in the BGA's forthcoming app (debuting spring 2024). Membership is valid for one year from date of purchase.
Event Sponsorship The BGA has a variety of event sponsorship opportunities of varying levels available. Event sponsorship ensures that your company is recognized as an ally of Alaska's craft breweries, cideries and meaderies and supports the BGA's ongoing efforts of legislative advocacy, continuing education and networking opportunities. Beyond brand recognition, additional benefits of event sponsorship include a year-long subscription to the BGA's monthly newsletter, inclusion on the BGA's website and tickets and swag to BGA events.