The Brewers Guild of Alaska (BGA) is proud to represent breweries, cideries, meaderies and distilleries of all sizes and to work to make Alaska a better place to both brew and enjoy craft beverages. Alaska has the most restrictive laws in the US when it comes to what craft beverage manufacturers can and cannot do in their own taprooms, and the BGA thinks that it's time for a change.
Tap Into Changeis a state-wide, guild-wide collaboration that both promotes the BGA's upcoming legislative projects and raises funds for its legislative advocacy efforts. With generous donations from our friends at Country Malt Group, Yakima Chief Hops and AEB Brewing, participating member breweries were able to get all of the raw materials for their brews for free. Our friends at the Cedar Group in Juneau donated their design services, creating eye-catching and impactful graphics for this project, and our friends at AMS Direct donated labels for our member breweries who will be canning their brews. Every pint and can of each brew of Tap Into Change sold benefits both the beer's brewers and the BGA and supports the BGA's work to introduce and pass legislation that will benefit our members.
Want to be able to enjoy more live music, play more games and have more fun at your favorite local brewery, cidery, meadery or distillery taproom? So do we! Grab a pint, support the cause and let's all Tap Into Change.